Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Director Masters Speaks at National Cybersecurity Event

News Date: 
Thursday, Oct 24, 2013 - 02:00

The Cook County Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) participated in the first National Cybersecurity Awareness Month Cyber Crime Event in Chicago. 

The event, commemorating a decade of cybersecurity awareness, highlighted the increasing threat that cyber attacks pose for both the public and private sectors. Michael Masters, Executive Director of the Cook County Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, was one of the featured speakers. 

Others included U.S. Department of Homeland Security Deputy Undersecretary for Cybersecurity Phyllis Schneck; White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Michael Daniels; Paul Morrissey, assistant director for investigations of the U.S. Secret Service; Jason Witty, chief information security officer for US Bank, along with other members of law enforcement, government officials and technology experts from around the country. 

At the event, Director Masters discussed the measures the county is taking to fight cybercrime; Cook County has worked to begin to establish a national best practice cyber training and awareness program, working to provide training to its workforce as well as making investments in enhanced cyber security related infrastructure. 

Under the leadership of Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, DHSEM and the county’s Bureau of Technology are rolling out a comprehensive cybersecurity training program designed to correspond to the job functions of each department to ensure the training is relevant. 

“The risk from cyber attacks is very real and our community is not immune,” said Masters. “This may be National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, but we have a responsibility to be vigilant 365 days a year in order to ensure that we do everything we can to protect ourselves.” 

The Cook County Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management integrates first responders, their departments and resources from 134 Cook County municipalities, and serves as the central agency in Cook County for coordinating efforts to prevent, protect against, mitigate the effects of, respond to, and recover from all incidents, whether man-made or natural. For more information, visit our website at www.cookcountyhomelandsecurity.org.